
Posts Tagged ‘New Car’

Information Regarding Car Insurance Rates

September 8th, 2011 No comments

When consumers shop for a car, they don’t usually consider if the type of car they buy will affect their insurance rates. The type of car you buy actually plays a part in whether you pay a high or low premium. If you are looking to acquire a reasonably priced insurance policy with your new car, it is important to know what cars have the best rates.

The nonprofit public service organization, The Highway Loss Data Institute, (HLDI) is a group that assesses vehicles for the insurance industry to find out which cars are a high risk. By high risk, they mean cars that are most likely to be stolen, involved in an accident as the result of a collision, and have a high number of injury claims filed. When assessing the risk of theft, the organization will look at such as aspects as the number of doors a car has as well as the color of the car.

For more information on car insurance rates click here

Information Regarding Progressive Car Insurance Reviews

August 19th, 2011 No comments

If you’re in the market for new auto insurance, Progressive car insurance company may be a great option for you. After being in the business of auto insurance for 70 years, Progressive has become the nation’s third largest provider to millions of customers.

With six major countrywide locations in Austin, Cleveland, Colorado Springs, Phoenix, Sacramento, and Tampa, Progressive is fully staffed with representatives ready to help you find the best coverage possible.

For more information on progressive car insurance reviews click here